
Clark Dyer @BeamShank

Age 30, Male

Greater Toronto Area

Joined on 9/4/09

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Sorry, NewGrounds.

Posted by BeamShank - September 4th, 2011

What up u queerz.
Honestly, when have I ever been active on this site?
I animate at turtle-speed, and I easily lose interest in projects.
I'm a different person than I was last month, as with the month before that, and so on.
It's been the same my whole life.
Something I thought was cool before, is totally retarded, pointless, and stupid, almost instantly.
This makes animating long projects painful, and unfulfilling.

Ever since 2005 when I decided that I wanted to draw for the rest of my life, my main goal
was to make the front-page of NewGrounds. I'm pretty sure it was just because I wanted
to be popular, but I've seen more than a few people mirroring the art styles of popular
animators like, EddsWorld, for example. The thing is, I'm not happy here anymore.
Now, I really just don't care about being pseudo-pseudo famous. I'll never have fun

What's important to me now, is my art. The multiple universes I've Accidentally created. Having fun.
Now, this is the main point of my post; NewGrounds and I aren't as good of friends as we used to be.
-The community has degenerated into a "YouTube" for animation.
-90% of the reviews on this site are retarded, and are paired with meaningless scores, that only give the reviewer are bizarre sense of power.
-The voting system is wack. People only give 5's or 0's, and people go out of their way, to bring down other people's score, so they can have a chance at a pixelated trophy. Why not just make blam/save buttons? Not only that, but I've seen how ridiculously easily the system can be manipulated.
-I don't even look at the front page animations anymore. With newgrounds having such a small staff, the animations that make the front page can't help but fit their taste. This propagates newer animators to mimic whatever's popular. What up, Edd?
-The art portal is a ghost town. Once again, the front-page'd art submissions all look/feel the same. I don't even bother with posting any of my art here anymore. Before, all of my art was made for the art portal. However, nothing ever gets any attention. This was always a disappointment, and caused me to draw still-art practically never, which has probably inhibited my drawing skills, to be honest.
-There's no notification system. How the EFF am I supposed to know when that dope animator I like has made something new? Also, checking to see if your submissions have gotten any reviews is extremely tedious.
-I had to PM Tom when I accidentally took daily fifth place, from something that DIDN'T suck, so he could put it on the front-page. How many great animations are slipping under the radar?

I know a lot of you HAAAAATE DeviantArt, because it's where weaboo's hang out, but I'm not sure that you're really looking at the crowd you're hanging out with at the moment.
Since joining DeviantArt, my art production has infinitely multiplied, I've made some amazing friends, and art is fun, for probably the first time in my life. I know it's asscociated with weaboo emo chicks, but that's not how the community works. With newgrounds, there are probably like, what? 10-20 thousand people here? Since that's a pretty small number, coupled with the fact that this site is pretty much a culmination of people that all have the same taste, you actually willencounter the same type of person forever. On DeviantArt, the community is large enough, that you generally attract the audience that you want. You'll only attract weaboos if you draw cliche anime/manga bullshit. If you're cool, you'll attract more cool people.

So, anyway, if you want to grow with me, you can find me over here.
If you like me enough to stick with me, I'm sure we can be good friends.

I'm not quitting newgrounds, or anything, I'll still be about as active as always.
I'll post flashes here when I make them, and I'll be making what I want to make.
It's sad that NewGrounds and I couldn't be closer, but I'm a different guy, now.

I hope you little kids can grow up to make functioning adults, because I'm legitimately worried about it.

Sorry, NewGrounds.


fuck off cunt :>

L.O.L. Oh, you! Like, omg!

Imma make an animation based on this.

Joey you faggot stop stealing my emoticons :<

Also yes, DeviantArt is not as terrible as many think. But I do tend to agree about the NG thing, especially after watching that Mario flash on the front page. Ugh...

Hehe! Joey just told me about that whole rigamarole.

apology accepted.

You'll always be in my heart <3

you have some really valid points there bro...


learn 2 read

I'd still suggest you upload your stuff to both places, even if you don't care what Newgrounds has to say about it or give you for it, it'd be a good way of getting more people to see your artwork. It makes sense to not care about being e-famous, but I still think that more viewers is a good thing. Even if it's just from a "sharing your passion" standpoint.

Anyway, good luck with that anime hug-fest.
Really though, best of luck.

Yeah, that definitely makes sense, but I have been uploading to the art portal, and deviantart in tandem, nothing really comes of it. Not that it matters how many people see my stuff, but when nobody does, it totally sinks your motivation. I'm sure whatever flashes I submit here will garner some viewers, but the way I see it, if you're confident in your art, popularity is inevitable.

DA is alright. the site is what you make of it really. there's a lot of bad, awful AWFUL stuff - and there's mountains of amazing art too. it's like facebook really - the experience is determined by the quality of the people (in this case, artists), you know. at least there isn't some sort of absurd quality control thing going on and everyone is given an equal opportunity to show their stuff (unlike say conceptart)

NG is not quite as diverse as DA with an emphasis on comedy (mostly parody or little series like eddsworld), violence, videogames, the odd cool music video or 'weird' cartoons like Salad Fingers (not to say all the other stuff doesn't exist here, it's just overwhelmed by what's always been popular on the site - something you can never really control). the voting system i'll agree with you seems a little dated now - it affects a movie's performance as much as the like/dislike bar on youtube IMO, and the people who get upset over scores/views on a website have always sort of confused me.

but in the end, it's two seperate audiences for the most part, and i've never really seen the point of favouring one over the other

PS: 90% of NG reviews have always been retarded. since like 2000

Posting a heart-felt thought-out newspost is always a refreshing treat.

What I'll say (as a functioning adult) on Newgrounds) is that Newgrounds, like any website on the internet is not a place to "grow up" or "become who you wish to be" ... it's a website with art, music, games, animation ... and best of all ... people.

It's not a baby sitter, or university, or launch pad ... it owes all of us nothing.

That said ... it can offer us plenty. If we are willing to invest ... it can (at times) give us "fans", collaborators, some views, critics, and so forth.

The concern that NG favors any type of style of any type of medium .. well, that would be the world. Deviant art bans Shadling (and I think Akubar), so does that mean DA is a more mature place to be ... or just a different place?

NG will be fine. The ponies and the minecraft and the whatever will come and go ... if anything things are just amplified here. Very possibly to a point where it's uncomfortable for some.

And that's ok.

Good luck out there :) I still have you friended on Skype!

Yeah, that's true.
I'm still staying on Ng, though!

to be clear i am Trashed. i just reredad my post and i thin kat least half of it makes sense!

lol omg y u always drunk u lovable rascal.

Hey Im glad DevArt works for you. See that's the magic of the internet. You go where you can grow and become better at what you love. It is a bit ridiculous to put down any single site just because you couldn't get what you wanted out of it. There are enough proffesionals that got their start on NG to prove your claim of its redundancy , false.

Good luck in whatever you do..

It's less that, than dissappointment at the site's condition, after putting it on a pedestal for half of my life. :\

It's cool that some people got famous here, but that's what everyone here is scraping for. That, and doing it for the fame shouldn't be why you're here. Which, sadly, is what a ton of people ARE here for.

True dat. At least most of dat.

90% of newgrounds users are fucking retarded, and as an animator, I have a duty to please the retarded. Plus, I totally agree that newgrounds is unfortuneately becoming animated youtube. Too much LOL VIDEO GAME HUMOR! RANDUM IS FUNNY RIGHT GUYS?

As for being informed when a popular artist submits something new, RSS FEEDS, BITCH!

Oh, man!
I keep forgetting about RSS feeds!
I don't mean to be ignorant, but I still don't really... want one.
It'd still be cool for the site itself to notify me, if that isn't unreasonable :0

Cool story bro.

Alright, so your 10 year old's dream of making the front page didn't come true because the masses are pleases by blunt and obvious humor.

Took you 6 eyars for that?

I have considered switching to DA to showcase still artwork. Some asshat thinks they are funny and has been downvoting all my art in the portal. Why would I want to showcase my art when trolls give huge ZEROs on my shit, and all my stuff has a 1/5? I don't want that shit seen next to my quality artwork. Is there a scoring system or rating system on DA? How do people find your work?

Also the only stuff that makes front page artwise is very selective and never a good variety. There is an alarming amount of newgrounds fanart as well.

Like Mindchamber said, it's a well-known fact that you as a person should branch out if you need to, to other websites. It's obvious that no one place is going to give you everything so you should try and learn from multiple locations on the internet. Same goes for professionalism too. If a site's not amateur or pro enough for you, try something else.

There's no scoring system on DA.
The best way to get your work seen is by submitting your work to groups, that the piece coresponds with.


In the end they're all just websites... I don't get why ppl make a big deal about "leaving" or "changing" websites... It's not like you're physically moving from one place to another and you can't get back. You can get to any website in a click of a button; I just go on any and every site I find interesting so I can meet and gain experience people from all over the web... Doesn't really matter if the system is flawed or the majority of people are retarded or weaboo; just go there cause you find interest in it or that it may be worth your while to go on a website. Isn't that the whole point...?

Although I understand why you are angry at Newgrounds...I find it funny how you have found solace in Deviantart....because I left that place long ago due to the fact that the top pieces of the day were mostly consistent of naked women...because apparently that's art (I understand different values of art, and yes, naked women CAN be art, but no, the pervs who continuously put that crap on Deviantart really piss me off)

But hey, your choice is your choice. I always love seeing great art on the portal, and even if it is a ghost town, I always see great art being posted here.

0-5 people can be silly...and yeah there are a ton of kids on this site, aka Joey...who happens to be little and likes to swear, but there are still those of us here who are from the old days of Newgrounds...and we keep watch...EVER SO DILIGENTLY.

lol Joey and I are buds.
He's just trollin'.

i feel like... you're just mad...


Newgrounds tends to improve in big jolts and decay slowly afterwards, for a long time, until either we get a new, revitalizing trend (that simultaneously decays the site even more) or a site redesign.

Right now, we're probably coming close to reaching a low point for site, as the problems it has with the Art Portal and Music Portal (the two bastards sons that are all but ignored) have been making people give up on them in droves and they exist less and less. Meanwhile, the forums are all but undead and even the Flash Portal is going through one of it's periodical dry phases.

It's particularly bad because these problems have been known for many, many years now and nothing has been done; I sometimes wonder if The Behemoth (and all it entails) hasn't been both a boon and a curse to NG. Tom has always been the most important driving force for this site, and his presence here has dwindled to his periodical posts.

Still, this is the NG I've always known. There's plenty of stuff here that you wouldn't be able to find easily elsewhere and for all it's problems, for flash games and flash animation (which is my primary interest anyway), I'd still take it over anywhere else I can think off currently, including DA, Youtube and Vimeo.

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