
Clark Dyer @BeamShank

Age 30, Male

Greater Toronto Area

Joined on 9/4/09

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1,792 / 1,880
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BeamShank's News

Posted by BeamShank - August 18th, 2011

I'm trying to cOnvince him that having numBers in his username is unOriginal, and probably homosExual. Show him the errors of his ways!
He told me to wiSH him a happy birthday, but nOw I'm not going to bEcauSe it would be forced.

Have this, instead.

Posted by BeamShank - July 8th, 2011

Yo peeps
I rolled all my old shit into a ball again, and now I'm throwing it at you again.

Also, I posted some more art. It's been forever.

It's kind of funny how poorly it's been received. I used to not like trolls, but apparently it's the people that react to them that are the bad seeds. If you're the kind of person that gets mad over such trivial things, remember you're on the internet. If you're truly intelligent, what are you wasting time trying to take me down a notch for? It's like a sure-fire way of finding total idiots. I have a new found respect for people like Spazkid and his friends, the clock crew, etc. However, I don't think spammy over the top offensive satire is worth it to devote so much time into. I'll just continue heading where I was heading.


People that react to trolls are infinitely worse than trolls themselves.

Posted by BeamShank - June 6th, 2011

My friend saw THIS and she was like: "Herp make an animation about Nyan Cat derp."
I hope Nyan cat can finally rest in peace.


/* */
I'm gonna start streaming myself animating more often, I work faster when people are watching. I know Twitter is awful, but follow dat shit if you wanna catch the streams.

EDIT: It's in the portal now. IDGAF NBD NBD

I don't like Nyan Cat.

Posted by BeamShank - April 29th, 2011

Yep, I made this thing because I found it funny that somebody would want ME to advertise them. ('Cause I have a following at all.(Don't use DeviantArt.))

/* */
So, I am making junk, I'm just a slow bag of DIX. The most immediate thing is a part for Thefabs' creepy collab, and then I have to do some intense thing for a local animation festival so Universities can think I'm NIFTY. All I want is to start on the series I've been planning since '09, but asdfghjkl.

THIS JUST IN: Nooooooooobody gives an shit.

I was streaming, but that ship has sailed. YA BLEW IT.

Posted by BeamShank - April 5th, 2011

So, I posted a compilation of all my old work, and it got daily fifth. Effin' wut? NOT COMPLANING THO.
Anyway, I'm pretty sure it's because I submitted it around midnight. By the end of the day, it was off of the newest submissions list, safe from last minute zero-bombers. That, and I had the help of my entire skype contact list, and Twitter. :| I beat THIS MOVIE, which is totally better, and you should watch it instead. Either way, this is really encouraging. Stay tuned?

Front page posting feels good, man.

Also, I started a derpy comic. I dunno how good of a webcomic hosting site DrunkDuck is, but if you follow me on pretty much any site, you'll see 'em


Posted by BeamShank - January 18th, 2011

Hey Newgrounds, it's been a while.

First up, I've done some bad things. I've pretty much joined joined every website ever, I figured it would be better to spread my name, after all, my New Year's resolution was to get known, and get better at using my weapon of choice: ANIMATION

Fuck it:
Tumblr (an art blog of sorts)
DeviantArt (there's some junk there if you're interested)
YouTube? (old news)

Anyway, I've got so much shit to do.
I was in Side B of the third 24 hour collab
I'm in the middle of making a part for Joey's Dinosawwrs collab
Doing a thing for my friend's Birthday
thinking of doing some sort of sappy animation
have to make a 20 second thing for school
wanna make the first episode of a series (!)
My friend and I want to start a webcomic (X_X)
After said first episode of said series, I plan to start a collab with a small group of cool kids.
Also, I got a haircut, I look so drastically different, I'll prolly have to update all of my user icons
and I'd like to draw more.

Just... yowza.
Anyway, it's tough being an unknown content creator, an audience larger than my friends would be appreciated.

I need to relearn how to draw myself :C

Oh, I don't even know anymore.

Posted by BeamShank - September 7th, 2010

Hoy Gaiz.
Making something new, Better be done this week, or you have the right to assassinate me.


Posted by BeamShank - July 2nd, 2010

I haven't updated in a while - nobody reads these, but I still feel like I've been neglecting Newgrounds. SO, I'm currently working on a flash called "The Virtual Realiteam". Basically my friends and I go to some sort of technology expo and try on virtual reality glasses. For the most part the movie is just one big fight scene, the whole virtual reality thing is just there to set up the plot for the fight and introduce characters. After this movie is done, I'll finally work on DarkWorld Syndicate, after like 2 years of daydreaming about it. That's cause I wanna have more experience before I start, that and I want to actually finish something worthwhile, so the incentive is there. Well, that's all you need to be filled in on for now, upon reading this, I realize the writing doesn't flow very well, but you can manage to figure it out.

(Below) Michelle trying on some high-tech headphones.

Hello, how are you?

Posted by BeamShank - March 13th, 2010

Well, I'm tired of looking at that old news post that had been on my page for a few months. There's not much to tell you but at the same time that's a blatant lie. So to start off, my friend Ratsnest or under his old nameSkelo which you either way probably don't know him by and I are entering an animation competition called Skills. The first competition is regional (which I'm pretty confident we'll win), the next is provincial (I dread that day), and the next after that if we won provincial is national (I think if we go that far I would drop dead). We've been practicing animation over Skype, so in the two weeks we have left to practice we can totally pull it off. I'm not even that worried about the competition for the first round but once I get there it'll probably hit me like a brick. *SIGH*. We're supposed to create a human character and an animal character which they will then give us a theme to animate to and it'll include the two characters I guess. I drew the human character (bottom of the post) and Ratsnest drew an ostrich (which sounds like it's dying when it talks), but I think we might change it because an ostrich would be hard to animate in a short period of time. I think we'll do well.

I'm also making an animation featuring my friends and I fighting to the death for the earth as a prize, which I'll do after skills. I'm also working on a series called Dark World Syndicate, which will be done after the aforementioned project. I'm working with the musical talents of AloysiusRexford Who is pretty much a glitchy prodigy. I'm really lucky to have stumbled onto his stuff. In unrelated news I got the games Persona 3 fes and persona 4, I love them. If you ever get the chance you should borrow them from someone as they're really hard to find unless you order them off the internet. Also I started watching Cowboy Bebop after endless people on the internet raving about it. So far I love it, the English dub is the best I've ever heard. That is all.


Posted by BeamShank - October 12th, 2009

Thanks alot guys and girls. no, wait. forget the last part...
